PRODUCT: Do’s and Don’ts
Product Planning, Purchasing, and Placement
Now that you’ve packed with a purpose and unpacked with a plan, it’s time to think about PRODUCT. What will make the space more functional and flow better? Yes, you have your items neatly placed on shelves and in drawers, but that will not last. Product isn’t just for a beautiful aesthetic—product will elevate the space and finalize a ROUTINE READY space.
This part is where everything comes together; where the hard work gets put into action. I want to take this time to help you decide WHAT product you need, WHERE you need product, and HOW you implement it in your space.
Let’s start with the DON’TS
1. Do NOT—I repeat, do NOT buy products BEFORE coming up with a plan!
You will find yourself trying to force your stuff to work with the product instead of the other way around. You need to be purchasing with PURPOSE. Purpose is everything when it comes to organizing projects and it will make the world of difference when it comes to maintaining your spaces.
2. Do NOT purchase bad quality products!
Yes, the investment can be a lot, but it is so much better to prioritize product and purchase when you are comfortable vs. sacrificing quality for the price. There are plenty of cost-effective products that are of good quality.
3. Do NOT skip measuring.
Yes, as you get to be a seasoned vet like me, you can get away with a little more eyeballing, but better safe than sorry when it comes to measurements. These few extra minutes save major time and headaches on the backend.
In every space, you need to measure Depth, Height, & Width. This is crucial for proper product purchasing.
Under the Sink:
Take note of where the piping exists so that you can measure the space that is LEFT OVER for product placement.
Cabinet Faces and Hinges:
Distinguish between the full width of the space and the width of the OPENING. Cramming products into a space that is not wide enough to take them out will be counterproductive. Products like turntables that stay in the cabinet allow you to utilize an area's full width and depth.
Cabinet and Closet Doors:
Take advantage of the entirety of the space. Measure how much room you have between the door and the shelves or product inside so you can utilize the door for more storage solutions.
Now, onto the DO’S
1. DO pay attention to accessibility, frequency of use, and weight of objects.
Make items accessible and easy to find by using products like clear bins or drawer dividers. You don’t want to hide your items, because you’ll never use them again. Frequently used items should get prime real estate. Make sure they’re at EYE-LEVEL! Heavier objects should be lower on shelving or cabinets.
2. DO take advantage of the space entirely
Choose products to take advantage of depth, while keeping things accessible. Turntables, deep bins, over-cabinet baskets, and stackable boxes are all products that can help you utilize and categorize objects.
Product elevates the space, clears the chaos, and makes items ACCESSIBLE!
We do not purchase products just to have products. There is always PURPOSE with the PURCHASE. These products are to add value to your space. They help hold you accountable when it comes to putting items back where they belong and make it so much easier to find things!
Our product favorites for your spaces:
The Pantry
The Bathroom
The Closet